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Also, it provides the instructions on connecting the peripheral devices, such as the mouse, keyboard, etc. Voltage Modular is included with the lid off. Download user manuals and more for older Audio Pro products. Then you can use the con- trol keys to enter values and move from field to field within a sub-menu.
The Help screen lists the appropriate keys to use and the possible selections for the highlighted item. The items under each BIOS category described in this chapter are under continuous update for better system performance. Therefore, the description may be slightly different from the latest BIOS and should be held for reference only. The Main Menu allows you to select from twelve setup functions and two exit choices.
Power Management Setup Use this menu to specify your settings for power management. Each category includes no, one or more than one setup items. Read- only. Note that the specifications of your drive must match with the drive table. The hard disk will not work properly if you enter improper information for this category. If your hard disk drive type is not matched or listed, you can use Manual to define your own drive type manually.
If you select Manual, related information is asked to be entered to the following. Enter the information directly from the keyboard. This information should be provided in the documentation from your hard disk vendor or the system manufacturer. Capacity The formatted size of the storage device.
Cylinder Number of cylinders. Head Number of heads. Precomp Write precompensation. Landing Zone Cylinder location of the landing zone. Sector Number of sectors. Available options: None, K, 5. Floppy 3 Mode Support Floppy 3 is the standard Japanese floppy drive mode. Video The setting controls the type of video adapter used for the primary monitor of the system. Halt On The setting determines whether the system will stop if an error is detected at boot. Available options are:. All Errors The system stops when any error is detected.
Quick Boot Setting the item to Enabled allows the system to boot within 5 seconds since it will skip some check items. Settings: Enabled, Disabled. If the function is enabled and any attempt to write data into this area is made, BIOS will display a warning message on screen and beep. Settings: Disabled, Enabled. The settings are: Floppy The system will boot from floppy drive.
LS The system will boot from LS drive. LAN The system will boot from the Network drive. Disabled Disable this sequence. Setting to On will turn on the Num Lock key when the system is powered on.
Setting to Off will allow users to use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad. Setting options: On, Off. A20 refers to the first 64KB of extended memory. When the default value Fast is selected, the Gate A20 is controlled by Port92 or chipset specific method resulting in faster system performance. When Normal is selected, A20 is controlled by a keyboard controller or chipset hardware. Settings: 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24 and Typematic Delay Msec This item allows you to select the delay between when the key was first pressed and when the acceleration begins.
Settings: , , and Settings are described below: Option Description Setup The password prompt appears only when end users try to run Setup. System A password prompt appears every time when the com- puter is powered on or when end users try to run Setup. You need to select the MPS version supported by your operating system. To find out which version to use, consult the vendor of your operating system.
Settings: 1. Change these settings only if you are familiar with the chipset. Settings: 2, 2. Settings: Disabled, 4 Bank, 2 Bank. Trp specifies the minimum clock cycles required for the precharge command to be transferred to the active command. Setting options: 2T, 3T. Tras specifies the minimum clock cycles required for the active command to be transferred to the precharge command. Setting options: 5T, 6T. Trcd specifies the minimum clock cycles required for the active command to be transferred to the re-active command.
Bursting feature is a technique that DRAM itself predicts the address of the next memory location to be accessed after the first address is accessed. To use the feature, you need to define the burst length, which is the actual length of burst plus the starting address and allows internal address counter to properly generate the next memory location.
The bigger the size, the faster the DRAM performance. Setting options: 4, 8. Setting options: 1T Command, 2T Command. The aperture is a portion of the PCI memory address range dedicated to graphics memory address space. Host cycles that hit the aperture range are forwarded to the AGP without any translation. Setting options: 1X, 2X, 4X. It is strongly recommended to select Auto to avoid causing any system error.
Select Enabled only when the installed AGP card supports this function. Setting options: Disabled, Enabled. Modes 0 through 4 provide successively increased performance.
In Auto mode, the system automatically determines the. The settings are: Auto, Disabled. Disable the controller if you want to use other controller cards to connect an audio device. Setting options: Auto, Disabled. Selecting Disabled will speed up the boot process. If you install add-on FDC or the system has no floppy drive, select Disabled in this field.
The settings are: Enabled and Disabled. IR Transmission Delay This setting determines whether the IR transmission rate will be delayed while converting to receiving mode. Setting options: Full, Half. Setting options: All Disabled, All Enabled. S3-related functions described in this section are available only when your BIOS supports S3 sleep mode.
Settings: Enabled and Disabled. In this state, no system context CPU or chipset is lost and hardware maintains all system context. S3 STR The S3 sleep mode is a power-down state in which power is supplied only to essential components such as main memory and wake-capable devices and all system context is saved to main memory. There are three options for power management: User Define Allows end users to configure each mode separately.
Min Saving Minimum Power Management. Max Saving Maximum Power Management. HDD Power Down When enabled and after the set time of system inactivity, the hard disk drive will be powered down while all other devices remain active. Suspend Mode If the system is not detected for the length of time specified in this field, all devices except CPU will be shut off. Activity of the selected IRQ always awakens the system. Settings are 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 and NA. Power Button Function This feature sets the function of the power button.
Settings are: Power Off The power button functions as normal power off button. Setting options: Auto, Yes, No. After AC Power Lost This item specifies whether your system will reboot after a power failure or interrupt occurs. Available settings are:. Power Off Leaves the computer in the power off state. Power On Leaves the computer in the power on state. Last State Restores the system to the status before power failure or interrupt occurred.
If you have changed this setting, you must let the system boot up until it enters the operating system, before this function will work. This section covers some very technical items and it is strongly recommended that only experienced users should make any changes to the default settings.
Reserved The IRQ will be reserved for further request. Monitor function is available only if there is hardware monitoring mechanism onboard. Case Open Warning The field enables or disables the feature of recording the chassis intrusion status and issuing a warning message if the chassis is once opened. To clear the warning message, set the field to Reset.
The setting of the field will auto- matically return to Enabled later. Setting options: Enabled, Reset, Disabled. This helps you to prevent the CPU overheat problem. Shutdown Temperature This option is for setting the shutdown temperature level for the processor.
When the processor reaches the temperature you set, the system will be shut down. Setting options: Enabled, Disabled. Spread Spectrum When the motherboard clock generator pulses, the extreme values spikes of the pulses creates EMI Electromagnetic Interference. The Spread Spectrum function reduces the EMI generated by modulating the pulses so that the spikes of the pulses are reduced to flatter curves.
If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the setting at Disabled for optimal system stability and performance. Remember to disable Spread Spectrum if you are overclocking because even a slight jitter can introduce a temporary boost in clockspeed which may just cause your overclocked processor to lock up.
It provides a method for end users to overclock the processor. The Optimized Defaults are the default values set by the mainboard manufacturer specifically for op- timal performance of the mainboard. When you select Load Fail-Safe Defaults, a message as below appears:. The password typed now will replace any previously set password from CMOS memory. You will be prompted to confirm the password. A message will show up confirming the password will be disabled.
Once the password is disabled, the system will boot and you can enter Setup without entering any password. When a password has been set, you will be prompted to enter it every time you try to enter Setup. This prevents an unauthorized person from changing any part of your system configuration. Additionally, when a password is enabled, you can also have BIOS to request a password each time the system is booted.
This would prevent unauthorized use of your computer. If the Security Option is set to System, the password is required both at boot and at entry to Setup. If set to Setup, password prompt only occurs when you try to enter Setup. User password: Can only enter but do not have the right to change the settings of the setup menu. ALC allows the board to attach 4 or 6 speakers for better surround sound effect. Installing the Audio Driver 1.
The CD will run automatically and the setup screen will appear. After completion of the installation, please restart your computer.
Using 4- or 6-Channel Audio Function In addition to a default 2-Channel analog audio output function, the audio connectors on the Back Panel also provide 4- or 6-Channel analog audio output function if a proper setting is made in the software utility.
Read the following steps to have the Multi-Channel Audio Function properly set in the software utility, and have your speakers correctly connected to the Back Panel: Configuration in the Software Utility. Click the audio icon from the window tray at the lower-right corner of the screen. Select a desired multi-channel operation from No.
Headphone b. Connecting the Speakers When you have set the Multi-Channel Audio Function mode properly in the software utility, connect your speakers to the correct phonejacks in accordance with the setting in software utility. Refer to the following diagram and caption for the founction of each jack on the back panel when 4-Channel Mode is selected. To ensure that 4- or 6-channel audio operation works properly, you may need to test each connected speaker to make sure every speaker work properly.
If any speaker fails to sound, then check whether the cable is inserted firmly to the connector or replace the bad speakers with good ones. Testing Each Speaker: 1. Click the Speaker Test tab. The following window appears. If the user manuals get the package. This download link next to ensure optimal performance. Speakers 2 high definition audio xp. Drivers Picturemate Windows 8.
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Read through this manual carefully to ensure safe use before initially using the product. Sae, the following suggestions might help. If you install add-on fdc or the system has no floppy drive, select disabled in this field. True bit resolution the ur22c and the yamaha steinberg usb driver support the bit integer format, which can represent audio data in higher resolution compared to float format.
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