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This is useful for scenarios where you want to emit events when SMS messages are delivered. You can download the sample app from GitHub. First, open your terminal or command window, create a new directory for your app, and navigate to it. Run npm init -y to create a package. Use a text editor to create a file called send-sms.
You'll add all the source code for this quickstart to this file in the following sections. The --save option lists the library as a dependency in your package. To send an SMS message to a list of recipients, call the send function from the SmsClient with a list of recipients phone numbers if you wish to send a message to a single recipient, only include one number in the list.
Add this code to the end of send-sms. You may also pass in an options object to specify whether the delivery report should be enabled and to set custom tags. Use the node command to run the code you added to the send-sms. Instantiate an SmsClient with your connection string. For simplicity we are using connection strings in this quickstart, but in production environments we recommend using service principals. To send an SMS message to a single recipient, call the send method from the SmsClient with a single recipient phone number.
Add this code to the end of try block in send-sms. To send an SMS message to a list of recipients, call the send method from the SmsClient with a list of recipient's phone numbers. The tag parameter is an optional parameter that you can use to apply a tag to the Delivery Report.
From 'Options', check the "Enable Logging" check-box. Also it can also be used windows 7 x64 under the compatibility mode for XP. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow.
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