You can make a time limit, or a goal limit. If you have many kids be sure to switch out players…. TIP: Do you remember your favorite game as a child? Teach that game to your kids!!!
Celebrate and have fun keeping the old games alive! It was designed to get older women up and exercising. Check out the Indoor or Outdoor Walking Club! A great idea! Need some team names for your gym games? Check out our team names for kids. Save Save. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my links, at no cost to you.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read the full disclosure here. Fun Gym Games Looking for some fun gym games for kids? OCTOPUS Play as with dodge ball or gaga ball , but instead of sitting out to the side— players sit down where they are tagged by the ball. The ships blindly navigate their way eyes closed their way about, attempting to reach the safety of the lighthouse. Divide group into two equal-sized teams and have them sit on the floor at opposite ends of the room.
Place a goal at each end and the ball in the center of the room. When given the signal for play to start, the children must crab walk to the ball and attempt to kick the ball toward their goal and score. Players must stay in the crab-walk position the entire game. Failure results in the opposing team getting a free kick. After a goal is scored, the ball is placed in the center of the play area and the game resumes.
The first team to reach an agreed-upon number of points wins. Each team has a goal on either side of the center line. If tagged, the members of the true team become members of the false team. If a child is tagged on the arm, only the arm is frozen. If tagged on the leg, only the leg is frozen, so the child must hop on one leg. The object is to completely freeze as many as possible. If you want, you can have others unfreeze body parts as well. This game is fast-paced and great for a larger group.
One child is Mr. Wolf and stands against the wall with their back to the room. The rest of the children line up on the opposing wall.
Eventually, Mr. Any child who gets tagged before reaching the wall becomes a Wolf as well. The balance of the game soon shifts, with all children becoming Wolves. Set up two boundaries about twenty feet apart. The winner is the last person to get caught. Make two goals opposite of each other. Start the game with a face-off in the center of the room.
Opponents attempt to hit the puck into the opposite goal. The goalie is allowed to block shots in any way he desires. Penalties may be assessed for delaying the game, holding the puck with hands or feet, high sticking or other unnecessary roughness. The opposite team may receive a free shot except for goalie on goal when penalties occur.
For large groups limit number of players and substitute once a score is made. The player who misses the ball steps out and the remaining players rotate up through the numbered squares. If you are playing with more than four players, a new player enters the game at square 1. The player who is out waits in line to re-enter the game once square 1 is open again.
Whoever is now in square 4 serves the ball to resume play. Select one player to wear a blindfold and they are to be placed into the center of the room. In order …. The ultimate thing to do is to get the other teams flag. Each team has a Dr. If the Dr. Divide campers into two teams. On the count …. Large Group Games Use these large group camp games for periods when you have to lead games for more than one group or have to lead very large groups by yourself.
See our attention getters section for assistance in getting everyone focused! Meanwhile the other team … Read More. Give all other players humans a neon vest … Read More. Read More. A butterfly that has been stung must … Read More. Each team stands in a … Read More. When they are ready, they … Read More. When … Read More. Cut up the names, places, and objects into individual slips, and sort them and put then into 3 different containers for people, … Read More.
You … Read More. All the rest of the campers line … Read More. One of the people outside of the circle is the cat and the other is the … Read More.
Continue at the front with … Read More. For the ultimate in … Read More. When the volunteers in the middle call out a car name, those campers … Read More.
The leader … Read More. In order … Read More. On the count … Read More. The child must keep a hand on that spot for the rest of the game. If the child gets tagged a second time, a hand must be placed on the second spot. Now the child has used up all the band-aids. Line the bottles up in a row. Divide the group of kids in half, one group standing on either side of the bottles at a distance.
Each team gets a chance to try and knock down the bottles as quickly as they can. The adult times the kids and names the winner. Tips for adults: Another version of this game uses clear bottles and green bottles. The team on one side tries to knock down clear bottles, and the other team knocks down the green ones.
Kids may add their own rules to this game, such as a penalty for knocking down the wrong color. Go with the flow, making sure everyone understands any additional rules that pop up. How the game is played: Gather some easily recognizable objects and hide them around a couple rooms of the house. Give each child a list of items to look for and clues to help them find the objects.
Tips for adults: You can pair kids up or assign teams to play. This game also works well outdoors provided you set some boundaries the edges of the yard, certain spots in the park for the kids to work inside. Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD Date reviewed: March Note: All information on KidsHealth is for educational purposes only.
For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor. All rights reserved. Find a Doctor. About Us. Community Programs. California Kids Care. International Services. Video Visits: Telemedicine. Locations Main Campus. Obviously it is important to warn the kids to play this game slowly and gingerly, so that no one gets hurt.
In some cases, it might be preferred to allow kids to release a wrist in order to properly untangle themselves. This is a great team building game for kids because it forces kids to work together toward a solution that everyone is aiming toward.
To make this kids game even more of a team building activity, you can instruct the kids that they cannot speak — thereby forcing them to strategize with body language, which likely increase the team chemistry that the game sets out to teach.
And if there are enough kids, then they can be broken up into two separate teams. And the team that completes the Traffic Lights challenge first, by getting all kids to their side first, wins! The team building aspect here is that the traffic light representative is on the other team, and the kids trying to race across the room are not racing against each-other, but rather collectively, in order to beat the other team of racers.
This way instead of competing with each-other, they must collectively defeat the traffic light, and the other team. This is a really easy activity game to set up, but really hard for kids to solve! Each kid gets a colored dot, which is then lightly taped onto their forehead. Each kid must then figure out what color dot is on their forehead, but obviously without asking any other kids for help.
Depending on the number of kids, there will be only a few colored dots so a few kids will have the same color. This is a great team building game, because it forces kids to communicate non verbally.
The first team that arrives together with the correct colored dots on their heads is the winner!