Intel cpu temp monitor program

Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. All products, platforms, dates, and figures specified are preliminary based on current expectations, and are subject to change without notice.

All dates specified are target dates, are provided for planning purposes only and are subject to change. This document contains information on products in the design phase of development. Do not finalize a design with this information. Revised information will be published when the product is available. Verify with your local sales office that you have the latest datasheet before finalizing a design. Code names featured are used internally within Intel to identify products that are in development and not yet publicly announced for release.

Customers, licensees and other third parties are not authorized by Intel to use code names in advertising, promotion or marketing of any product or services and any such use of Intel's internal code names is at the sole risk of the user. For more information on the API's, see:. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined.

The information here is subject to change without notice. The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Speccy is a CPU temperature monitoring software that runs on windows operating system. This tool shows user information related to the hardware and software of the PC.

You can use this software to know the type and amount of RAM in your computer system. HWMonitor is a program that reads PC systems sensors like temperature, fan speed, voltages, etc. It is one of the best CPU monitoring software which can be used on the Windows and Android operating systems.

Core Temp is a simple tool to check the CPU temp of an x86 based processor. SIW is a downloadable Windows-based software that offers functional and advanced system information for PC.

It is one of the best CPU temperature monitor that can gather details about the system and display it in easy to understand format. Real Temp is a temperature monitoring software specially designed for all Intel processors. It is one of the best computer temperature monitor tool which can individually adjust the temperature for each core of the CPU.

HWiNFO is a free software for windows. It is one of the best CPU temp monitor that gives you a quick overview as well as detailed information on hardware components.

You can use this PC monitoring software and save custom or full reports on a portable device. SpeedFan is a hardware monitoring tool that can monitors fan speeds, voltages, and temperatures in PC. This tool can change PC fan speed depends on the temperature of hardware components. CPU temperature monitoring tools check sensors like temperature, fan speed, voltage, and give you precise information. These applications help you to detect problems with this data effortlessly.

Skip to content. Bug with Reset button on ATI systems fixed. Ability to run a file or shutdown based on user defined alarm temperature. Start Minimized Vista issues finally fixed. New RivaTuner plug-in support.

Extra information on the main screen and the retirement of the toggle button. TJMax updated based on new Intel documentation and further testing. Calibration formula simplified. Added an Anchor position so the GUI will move to a fixed screen position after a double right mouse click. Anchor position can be customized by holding down the Shift key while double right clicking. A new user selectable high temperature alarm with two alarms for Quad core processors.

New program Up Time feature. Bug fix for log file output when using a Single or Dual core processor. Fixed and improved the Default button in the Settings window.

Button labels and functionality changed in Settings window to follow the Windows style guide. Improved multi-threading and memory usage for better long term stability. Start Minimized option improved for better Vista support.

See the documentation for more info.


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