Revolt, plan with your leader or attack nations under guidance and occupation! Turkey : The presidents reluctance to join the axis powers sparks outrage among the Turkish people. A military coup occurs and a new pro-nazi government is instituted. The new leader, with support of the people, announces his decision to join the axis. Several thousand troops are placed on the border with Syria, and others on the border of Armenia, on February 2nd, Turkey declares war on the Soviet Union and Britain.
Troops flood into Armenia, and meet little armed resistance on their advance to Yerevan. Though seizing the city proves difficult and the advance is halted to focus on the siege. Minor skirmishes occur on the border of Syria, though no major advance is made. Defences in Aegean Sea Heavy. Germany: The entrance of Turkey in the war makes our plans for the conquest of the Caucasus easier. Map of the "Battle of the pocket".
Blue arrows are spear movements and red ones are the main assault directions. Light red areas are the conquered territories after the battle. Turkey is asked to let the Germans enter their territory to launch an offensive over the Caucasus mountains. In the North, the climate is favourable for an offensive, and it happens in the sector of Smolensk.
Troops from the Leningrad front marctwo as well. The Soviet resistance is high, but the surprise of the attack, the German technological superiority, weather conditions and the direction of the attack make it unstoppable, trapping around 76, soviet soldiers in two pockets, which are exterminated by the aviation and the artillery.
All soviet equipment in the area is captured and sent to study in Berlin. In the center, the armies remain in defensive positions.
In the front of the Caucasus, the Case Blue advances favourably as we are supported by Turkish and Greek soldiers. Other minor axis forces are sent to the North-central front to contain any possible Soviet counterattack attempt. Not following Hitler's orders, Von Paulus does not enter in Stalingrad, and orders to burn the city, burning specially the factories which produce most of the Soviet tank force.
After that, the Germans enter a devastated city, encountering much less resistance than in OTL, and set up defences in the Volga River. Hitler is about to fire Von Paulus from his place as an army commander, but in the last moment the Reichmarshchall Himmler convinces him not to do it. The sector B of the Caucasian army the one which did not get trapped in Stalingrad in OTL , is given most of the and transports from the A Stalingrad group to increase its mobility and maneuvers, since the group A does not need them now as they are settled in Stalingrad.
A more rapid army travesses quickly the Kuban steppes and reaches the Caspian Sea in Machackla, cutting the Soviet front in 2. Defences are made in the North of this spear movement to repulse Soviet offensives. Local Caucasian population are taught about the Russian atrosicities committed in the Caucasian War of the last century, and we urge them to join the Wehrmacht to avenge their ethnia.
Similar propaganda movements are made in Ukraine and the Baltics. Novorissysk is captured and Sochi is bombed from the air, thou not attacked. We purpose Italy to launch an invasion of Malta using paratroopers, to cut of English supplies across the Mediterranean. We purpose Spain to join the Axis powers, since we helped Franco in the civil war. About the situation in Sweden, caught us unexpected, and decide to occuppy key areas in Sweden to ensure that the rich Swedish iron mines do not stop supplying the German war effort.
Most of the German factories are covered by a grey pieces of fabric when they are not active, so bombers can't detect them. We keep up with the innovations, as we launch a new weapon, the Panzerschreck, a weapon that a soldier can carry and launches a projectile with enough force to destroy a tank, however, it's still in test.
Bombers are massively used across the Russian positions in the front, and we keep producing vast numbers of them. It will bring a way to stop Britain and also get the royal navy out of the Mediterranean Sea, It gives Franco a message to join the axis. On the Famicom NES version, all enemies still displayed when it lands on the carrier will explode and earn the player points. Some stages mark the appearance of the Japanese Mother Bomber Ayako named after Ayako Mori [1] and based on an actual Japanese bomber, Nakajima G8N , which must be shot down to complete the stage.
Each level increases the difficulty and planes become more aggressive as you move throughout the 32 levels. Capcom Database Explore. It was also included on the Capcom Generations Vol.
It was the first title designed by Yoshiki Okamoto , the fourth title developed by Capcom , after Vulgus, Son Son and Pirate Ship Higemaru, and their first title to spawn a series of sequels. Receiving a emergency order of departure, the P Lightning flies away from the aircraft carrier. It's the beginning of a long battle journey. The goal is to reach Tokyo and destroy the entire Japanese air fleet.
Players have one button to shoot down enemies and a second button to perform loops: a evasive maneuver which renders the player invincible for a brief moment but unable to shoot.
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